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Shaking Off a Shy Reputation To Get Ahead


In a recent WSJ article, writer Sue Shellenbarger shares lessons for introverts eager to be recognized for their strengths, abilities, and contributions.

To incent your curiosity, see the excerpts below.  Better still, read the full article to gain maximum benefit:


Wall Street Journal - Sue Shellenbarger

- Ask 20 colleagues and friends for three strengths or adjectives that described you.

- Present yourself to others drawing on these adjectives.

- Establish your purpose.

- Draw on these cited strengths, adjectives, and statement of purpose for inner confidence and for displaying leadership.

- When necessary, be prepared to react in the moment, with something that is not 100% "fleshed out", to be seen as a full participant.

- Talk more with managers or other constituents about specific contributions you want to make.

- Promote yourself and your skills, rather than assuming people see your ability.  Let them know that you'd like to be tapped on the shoulder [for projects]."  Ask to participate, even if only for a small part. Self-promotion...  "[it] isn't a selfish thing."





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