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Talent Development Question: Setbacks & Resiliency- "What good can we make of this?" - A Mother's Thoughtful, Loving, and Change-Empowering Query

Talent Development Question: Setbacks & Resiliency- "What good can we make of this?" - A Mother's Thoughtful, Loving, and Change-Empowering Query

Note From Jim:

Talent development coach Wally Bock comments that growth, understanding, and change are powered by STRUGGLE and that when it comes to talent development, we must better prepare ourselves and our people for growing from ADVERSITY.

In the spirit of my post of yesterday sharing insights spoken by Scott Sonnon (Flip Challenges Into Assets), it seems that we can better embrace, draw energy from, and be grateful for adversity if we frame it as something for which we should be grateful.

Wally Bock - Envisia Learning


"What good can we make of this?” That’s what my mother asked whenever she faced a crisis or setback. That question was my guide through the years of struggle to understand and to change.

... We need to talk about it [struggle] and we need to make it one way we look at talent development.

Two Words:

The first is “challenge.” We need to find more ways to challenge people. After all, there’s no growth without challenge.

The other word is “adversity". We need to help people prepare for, deal with, and grow from adversity.

Our people will have setbacks. They will fail. That can be a time for great growth. The talent development challenge is to help people answer my mother’s question: “What good can we make of this?”

Read Wally's Article at Envisia:


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